Den globale konkurrences konsekvenser for subjektive valg og begær - En socialpsykologisk undersøgelse i et metateoretisk perspektiv


This project takes as its starting point the idea of transnational economic competition as a structural condition for the subject, and how it affect subjective choices and desires. The question is raised why this globalizing development is not regarded as a historical-ideological process but as a basic living condition? It seems that the idea of competitiveness, effectiveness and flexibility in congruence with the spirit of the free market economy, has affected the subject’s way around daily life. Taking this debate into a meta-theoretical perspective, this project gives insight into structural conditions and their effects on subjective choices and desires. It produces a social psychological analysis of the notions of agency-structure and a contextualized view of the subject, and it is shown how the subject reproduces structural conditions and what potential for change or agency the subject has in this regard.

The project draws among others upon the theory of Louis Althusser, which shows how the subject is suppressed by ideology, while depending on it for recognizing itself and what is regarded as reality. Hereby also depending on it for making choices in good faith and with conviction. The theory of Jacques Lacan shows the idea of the big Other as representing structural conditions in a developmental perspective. These are symbolized before the child by the primary caretaker and are conditioning for the child’s desires. With Slavoj Žižek it is shown how the subject gives way to ideological power in spite of having recognized its effects. This rather deterministic view of the subject is countered in each theory by the subject’s ability to reflect upon ideology when looking back; recognizing that it’s what is conditioning desires; and even taking a point of indifference towards the Other’s demands. The meta- theoretical consequences of the produced insights are discussed in regard to the notions of agency-structure, a contextualized view of the subject, and epistemology.

It is shown how the theories can be applied to explain how subjective choices and desires are affected by the global economic competition. Agency was found at the level of the individual subject throughout the theoretical analysis. Seeing as how the project took its starting point from a contextualized view of the subject, it is necessary to grasp the notion of agency in a corresponding contextualized view. Further, to fully understand the capacity for change for the subject under these conditions of global economical competition, it is necessary to integrate an idea of agency not only at individual subjective level but also in a social perspective.

Bedømmelse: 12